- Who can participate in WeSave?
Any full-time, part-time, or seasonal employee in good standing with their respective agency may participate in the WeSave program. Individuals employed by the State on a contracted basis are not considered to be state employees, and are not eligible to participate.
- Can my immediate family benefit from my participation in WeSave?
Yes. While each employee who registers with WeSave will have a unique membership number, it does not preclude the employee from shopping for household items, gifts and other necessities that benefit all family members. It will be the employee's responsibility to ensure WeSave information and access is used appropriately.
- If my spouse is also a state employee, can we both register for WeSave?
Yes. Each state employee who would like to participate in the WeSave program can register to receive his or her own membership number.
- Can spouses share accounts if they are both WeSave members?
Yes, but both spouses must set up a separate account first. Only after both accounts are set up can the two be merged. This will allow both spouses to receive matching monies for their individual contributions.
- Is personal information sold to allowed access by merchants or others?
No employee information obtained by WeSave can be sold or provided to other merchants or individuals. Additionally, data back-up and security are critical to WeSave’s success. All data related to the WeSave website, membership information, and merchant information is stored in an online database housed on secure servers, heavily encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology using industry standard firewalls and backup systems.
- Today I created my WeSave account, but now I can't log in. What is the issue?
You must verify your registration by checking your email account and clicking on the link in the verification email sent to you from WeSave.
- How do I update my account information such as: name, home address, and email address?
Log in to WeSave.com and click on the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on the yellow plus sign (+) beside of the information you want to update. Update your information and click "Save".
- How can I change my password?
Log in to WeSave.com and click on the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on the yellow plus sign (+) beside "Change Password”. Enter your current password, new password, confirm new password, then click “Save”.
- Can I change my username?
Once you have created your username, you cannot change it.
- How can I change my security question and answer?
Log in to WeSave.com and click on the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on the yellow plus sign (+) beside "Security Question/Answer". Update your question and answer then click "Save".
- How can I opt-in for WeSave's emails?
When you create a WeSave account you have the option to opt-in for WeSave's emails. If you did not opt-in at that time, you can do so by logging in to WeSave.com and clicking on the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner. Find the heading "Email Settings" and click on the yellow plus (+) sign to the left of the heading. Your email address will be displayed as "Current/Verified Email". If that is the email address you want emails sent to, then click on the link that reads "click here". You are now subscribed to WeSave's emails.
- How can I opt-out for WeSave's emails?
Log in to WeSave.com and click on the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of the page. Find the heading "Email Settings" and click on the yellow plus (+) sign to the left of the heading. Your email address will be displayed as "Current/Verified Email", which is the email address you are receiving WeSave's biweekly emails. Click the "unsubscribe" link. You have now unsubscribed from WeSave's emails.
- I received an email from WeSave asking me to verify my account, but when I clicked on the link to confirm it, I received an error message saying the validation code provided appears to be invalid or expired. However, I did not verify my account. What does this mean – do I still need to verify my account?
WeSave occasionally receives a high volume of registrations. To ensure that all accounts are accepted as quickly as possible, WeSave manually checks enrollments on a nightly basis and when needed, verifies the account to avoid congestion on their server. When this occurs, the validation code is accepted by the system and consequently cannot be reused. This can generate an error message if/when someone attempts to verify their account as instructed. In these instances, your account has been verified by WeSave. However, anyone who would like to confirm that their registration has been validated may contact WeSave’s customer service desk.
- Can I recommend a merchant to become part of WeSave?
Yes. Along with many national vendors, WeSave will be contacting local merchants to provide discounts on a variety of services and products. Any employee who activates their WeSave membership can recommend local merchants by calling WeSave or emailing help@wesave.com.
- Can I shop with WeSave at work?
Employee should not shop during working hours. Employees should visit the WeSave website at home, when they are away from work, during the evening, or on the weekend.
- Can I use my state email address to register with WeSave?
No. The use of state email is reserved for state business. Consequently, employees who elect to register for WeSave will be requested to provide a personal email address. WeSave will use email to communicate information about WeSave promotions, special savings events, and other information to the employee. WeSave will provide links employees can use to obtain a free email address as part of the registration process.
- I attempted to recover my Username or Password from WeSave.com, yet I received a message stating that my email address was not in the system. I receive emails from WeSave through that same email address. What is the issue?
You may have not created your Username or Password. Please go to WeSave.com and click on the “Existing WeSave Member” link to create your Username and Password. You will then receive an email from WeSave asking you to verify your account. Once you have verified your account you will be able to sign in with your new username and password.
Didn’t find the answer to your question? Send an email to help@wesave.com.